Why Choose a Quality Car Paint

It is but natural that most car owners tend not to paint their own vehicle or car by themselves as they are afraid of not doing the job cleanly or effectively as it should be done. This fear in all means is truly justified as you may end up ruining the looks of your car instead of enhancing it. In such an event, you would need the services of an expert car paint Las Vegas agency that can carry out the job for you at an appropriate price. Here is an insight on what all to look and why you should choose a quality car paint agency.

Quality Car Paint Autohow
Quality Car Paint

Your objective of hiring a professional would be primarily to enhance the overall look of the car, save on efforts and time and remain relaxed since your precious vehicle would be in good hands. While choosing a professional, do take a look at their past work and the garage where they work. A good car painter would always park the vehicle in a well-ventilated area since this would allow easy and quick drying.

The pro would make proper use of duct tape as well as plastic sheets to cover different parts of the car that should be clean from paint e.g. the window, lights and mirrors. To make the job easier, quite a few painters tend to remove such parts and then start with the paint job.

One of the first tasks that the car painter would do is to rub the entire surface of your vehicle with medium grit sand paper. It is essential that the pro does not miss a single spot and that the surface is nice, clean and even. With help of a dry towel the painter can easily remove any of the foreign parts. The best thing about hiring an expert painter is that they would have all the essential tools to rub the car effectively.

Once the car has been rubbed thoroughly, the painter would then apply a layer of primer. This is spread thinly with help of a brush. The primer must be evenly spread out and left to dry for a few hours. Once the primer dries out it needs to be rubbed again so that the surface is smooth and even. The dirt needs to be clean with help of a dry towel.

The next stage after this is the paint job. Before the spray paint is used the painter should properly shake it. He would then test the spray on a piece of newspaper and then use it on the car. The spraying of the paint then starts. The painter however would maintain good distance from the car as recommended by the manufacturer. The first layer would appear light and needs to be allowed to dry.

The last stage includes one more layer of paint. Once that paint also dries out the painter would use soft sandpaper again to do some rubbing. After that one last layer of paint is applied. Once that is dried then the duct tape can be removed.

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